Thursday, September 18, 2008


Well, it's Thursday and it has been a good day so far. Cliff and I walked to Subway downtown for lunch and had a great hour together. It is almost 2:30 so there is only a little bit of the afternoon left. The afternoons always creep by around here. About 3:30 the place just becomes dead.

This week has been busy. Every evening I have things to do. Monday night class till 9, Tuesday a Bible study called Apples of Gold from 6-8:30, then Wednesday is church until close to 9. So Thursdays are a welcome relief! Thursdays and Fridays I work on homework at work and in the evenings we do different things. I am cooking sausage and baked french fries tonight...real healthy I know, but I really need to go to the grocery store and I'm not doing it tonight. :)

We may be going to the fair with a family from church tonight. I haven't heard from them yet so we'll see what happens. Tomorrow we leave at 5, right after work, to head to Plainview where Cliff is teaching at a conference on Saturday morning.

Busy week, but it has been pretty good. Still looking for a house! I can't wait to say, "We found a house and we're moving in this weekend..." Maybe in a few more weeks.

Love to all...we miss you friends and family! Especially our sweet neices...Leigh and Trish please show them our pictures everyday so they will know who we are!

1 comment:

The Dunton's said...

The perfect house is out there Jess! And after you've lived in it a while you'll forget how long it took to get there. The worst thing would be settling for a house and then a few months later seeing the perfect one for sale!!!
Good luck with the hunt!
I'm looking forward to seeing Kenya pics!