Sunday, June 22, 2008

Let's Catch Up

We have had a pretty busy couple of weeks. Some very high highs and some very low lows. First, this past week was Vacation Bible School at our church. Cliff alwasy amazes me! I am so proud to be his wife and pretty unworthy to be his partner. :) He did a great job preparing for the week of craziness. I think we had around 850 kids and workers for the week. Unbelievable.

Cliff's prescious grandmother, Letha Joe Parsons, passed away on Monday. We found out at about noon when VBS was ending. Cliff and I and the rest of the family were shocked to find out about her passing. She was the family rock with an amazing faith in the Lord and a joyful heart. Cliff and I flew to be with the family in east Texas on Tuesday afternoon. I think Cliff wanted to post some more about the week there, so I'll let him do this. We will miss Grandmama terribly, but are so glad to know that she is rejoicing in heaven with her Savior! Thank God for giving hope amidst the sorrow. Please pray for all of the family as they figure out where to go from here. It will be a difficult few years of adjusting without Grandmama around. What a special woman!

The weekend before VBS I flew to Arlington to surprise both of my parents with a 50th birthday party. What a blast. They were definitely surprised. My siblings and I had fun getting it all together. Well really, Joni Holder, Jana (Joni's friend), Jon and Leigh did all of the work. :) They did a great job pulling it all together. We had about 60 friends and family come celebrate with us. Mom and Dad were very surprised and we got to enjoy the rest of the weekend together. Aaron, Trish and Dakota even got to be there with us. Dakota had a good time at her first birthday party.

Saturday was probably my favorite day though. My family including Dom (I love Dom and miss living close) went over to Jon and Joni's to swim. It was so great to have a normal day with my family. That is what I miss most about livnig far away. It is like everytime I come in has to be for a special occassion and I feel like they go out of their way to spend time with me. It's like I get in the way of their normal life when I am in town. This day was different. We all just relaxed and hung out together. So nice!

Here are some pics:

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