Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Countdown Begins

I had a sonogram and an appointment with the doctor this morning. Our baby is growing just fine and is already about 6 pounds. We are down to the last month before our due date and could not be more ready to meet him or her! The baby was curled up in a little ball for the whole sonogram so we didn't get any great pictures, but what we did see was absolutely precious. We saw lots of hair growing on the back of the head, sweet plump lips, and a perfect forehead. We didn't see any of the gender specifying parts so I am sorry to tell you we still don't know if we are having a boy or a girl. You will all have to wait just a little bit longer. Ha! The poll is showing you all think it is a boy. Hmmm....only God knows right?! While the baby measured a little ahead of the due date, my due date stands at March 21st.

The doc gave us the run down on when to call and/or get to the hospital. I will go every week now until the end. O the end sounds so nice!! As anxious as I am about the actual birth proceedings :) I am ready to be done with sharing my body. And more ready to meet this little person!!

I am still working at the church, probably for another couple of weeks. We have lots of organizing and preparing at home. While this would probably drive most people crazy, I'm doing pretty good with the piles at home. Yes, the baby will be a handful and I will be tired, but baby and I will just finish it all together in the days and months ahead. And in the grand scheme of things, all of the stuff doesn't matter anyway. I am reminded everyday of how bountifully I live while so much of the world lives on much, much less!! I have alot to be thankful for, why waste my days in worry!!

1 comment:

tiffanylynn said...

I too have enjoyed following your blog through your pregnancy . . . I definitely have you on my prayer list over the next month. I know that God has his plans perfectly aligned for your little one to come!!

My husband loves his job and he is really good at what he does! If you ever want to go to a game just e-mail me I often have tickets available if it is not a "premium" game. I can't remember exactly, but I think I saw that you live out of town, so I guess a game if you are ever in town!

Good luck with the baby. I look forward to seeing pictures soon!!!


P.S. I voted girl . . . they are amazing gifts from God, but a little expensive because all the clothes are just too adorable! Ha!!