I was really disappointed in the weekend in Glorietta. I had really wished that we would instantly meet a couple with whome we would become fast friends. We didn't...but it sure did teach me something! Relationships take alot of time...I know we'll make friends eventually. We have been invited to two couples' homes over the past couple of weeks. The first one was the children's minister who served two ministers ago for 10 years. She became very ill and had to resign her position, but is well now. She and her husband, Linda and Clay, were very kind to us. We stayed from 6:30 to 10pm! I think they will be a good support for us. Another couple invited us over. Cliff said yes and we had no clue who they were! I was a bit freaked out by this, but it turned out great. We looked them up in the directory so at least we'd know what they looked like. They were a prescious couple...both licensed social workers! They have two grown children, one who is a missionary. I guess they knew we'd be lonely and would enjoy some company. I hope we get to know them a little better.
School at WT is going great. I really don't like my Research class that I go to 3 times a week, but my two night classes are very interesting. I have a ton of reading to do each week. This weekend I have more work than I have yet...a 3-5 page paper, case presentation and two other papers to write before the beginning of the week. Don't worry, I've already got 1/2 of it done!! I haven't procrastinated too badly yet.
I am so proud of Cliff! I wish you all could see how great he is doing here. There are definitely some challenges to overcome with the way things have ALWAYS been done, but he is being veyr patient and diplomatic. He's so good at buttering up those older ladies! It is fun to watch him enjoy his days at the church. We are so thankful for God's faithfulness to us.
O! And we sold our house yesterday...it's all final! Praise the Lord!!! I mourn for that place more than I ever thought I would. I think it will be a while before I'm over that loss! ;) I still am in wonder at why God would have given us such an amazing home right off the bat! I guess His goodness doesn't end there though, more great stuff to come!