Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 6

Yesterday we met up with the cousins for a photo shoot! You can see two of the shots below. They turned out soooo cute! Trish shot them for us. I had her take a few of Camden since he is four months old today! In the shot below I was so afraid he'd fall over that I had my hand stuck out a little too far. We'll have to crop my arm out! Ha! Thanks Trish for working so hard to get all five kids looking in the same direction!

Today Mom hosted a sweet tea to introduce Camden to some friends. It was so nice seeing old friends! We had yummy food, delicious desserts and drinks! Mom worked hard to make today special for us. We actually have round two this afternoon from 4-6 for those who work so that they can come meet Camden.
Tonight Kalie is coming through to stay the night! She flies out tomorrow and needed a place to stay so it worked out for her to stay here. Brandi is going to come by to say hi as well!
I got an e-mail from Cliff. He is doing great. They have one more day of VBS and then a fun day with the kids on Saturday. A little bit longer and he'll be home! We miss him a ton!

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