I can finally announce that Cliff and I are going to be parents! Today, I truly feel like my dreams are coming true. Our baby is due March 21st. On Monday we got to hear the baby's heart beat and hear from the doctor that everything looks great!
My whole life I've wanted to marry a prince and have lots of his sweet babies! Well, almost three years ago I married my prince. My prince pushed me to continue school and finish my Master's so the babies had to wait a little bit. I graduate in December and now I get to have my baby! With that brings lots of fears and questions for the future...but mostly, I'm just really stoked!
Honestly, we both wrestled with God about His timing for all of this. I have felt, and still do to some extent, the pressure of the world telling me to get established in a career. To practice what I've been learning for so long. My world tells me success is having a career, having an identity outside of my family. And actually, I do have a desire to be a competent social worker. However, at the same time, my core desire is to be the wife that Cliff needs and to have babies! To enjoy those toothy smiles and be the one who raises my kids.
While I know I will struggle with these decisions for many years to come I am feeling sooooo relieved and thankful that I am actually getting to live out my dreams. The dream I've kept in my heart for so long is coming true. It is strange, but when I think about this part of my future there is really no fear in it. Not the tightening in my chest that I get when I think about what job I'll have next, will I have learned in school what I need to know for the career, will my personality mix well with my co-workers, can I be myself enough in the work place to feel alive and productive?.....no this dream, I feel confident and sure of myself to complete because I know it is what God has given me, I know this is what I'm made for as a woman, and He will be the one to equip me and Cliff. It feels so natural. What a great feeling. It is very freeing! I look forward to what new dreams God give me as I continue walking with Him.
~From a Thankful Heart
PS: Pictures of pinkie coming tonight. Cliff is away hunting so Pinkie and I are going to hang out and clean the house.